A Gentle Touch: How to Hand Wash Your Fine NZ Merino Wool Garments

A Gentle Touch: How to Hand Wash Your Fine NZ Merino Wool Garments


Fine New Zealand Merino wool is known for its luxurious softness, warmth, and natural breathability. Whether it's a cozy sweater, delicate shawl, or your favorite pair of wool socks, caring for your Merino wool garments with the utmost attention is essential to ensure their longevity and maintain their impeccable quality. In this guide, we'll take you through the steps of hand washing your cherished Merino wool items to keep them looking and feeling their best.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin, assemble the necessary items:

  • A basin or sink
  • Mild detergent suitable for wool (look for one specifically labeled as wool-friendly)
  • Lukewarm water
  • Clean, dry towels
  • A gentle detergent or wool wash

Step 2: Prepare the Basin

Fill the basin or sink with lukewarm water, ensuring it's neither too hot nor too cold. Add a small amount of your chosen wool-friendly detergent to the water. Avoid using regular laundry detergent, as it can be too harsh for delicate wool fibers.

Step 3: Submerge Your Garment

Gently submerge your Merino wool garment into the soapy water. Swish it around to ensure the detergent is evenly distributed. Allow the garment to soak for about 10-15 minutes. Avoid excessive agitation or wringing, as this can cause felting or stretching.

Step 4: Gently Clean

Using your fingertips, lightly massage the wool to remove dirt or stains. Pay special attention to stained areas, but be gentle to avoid damaging the fibers.

Step 5: Rinse Thoroughly

Drain the soapy water and refill the basin with clean, lukewarm water. Gently lift the garment and submerge it in the fresh water. Gently press the garment to release any remaining detergent. Repeat this rinsing process until the water runs clear, indicating that all detergent has been removed.

Step 6: Remove Excess Water

To remove excess water from your Merino wool garment, avoid wringing or twisting. Instead, gently press the water out by rolling the garment in a clean, dry towel. Be sure not to apply too much pressure to prevent stretching.

Step 7: Dry Flat

Lay your garment flat on a clean, dry towel or on a mesh drying rack. Shape it to its original dimensions and gently pat it into place. Avoid hanging Merino wool items, as this can cause them to stretch out of shape.

Step 8: Store with Care

Once your Merino wool garment is completely dry, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Use cedar blocks or lavender sachets to deter moths, but avoid mothballs, as the odor can linger on the wool.


Hand washing your fine New Zealand Merino wool garments may take a bit of extra time and care, but the results are well worth it. Your cherished pieces will remain soft, cozy, and as beautiful as the day you first fell in love with them. With proper care, your Merino wool wardrobe will continue to be a source of warmth, comfort, and style for many seasons to come.

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